“The precise location of heaven on earth has never been established, but it may very well be right here.” — Herb Caen

Of all the magnificent vantage points in San Francisco, Pacific Heights is globally recognized as the city’s premier location and Outer Broadway its ne plus ultra. The city’s architectural heritage unfolds along the Gold Coast with residential designs by San Francisco’s most revered architects including Willis Polk, Arthur Brown Jr., Walter Bliss, and William Wurster. The twenty-five properties exclusive to Broadway’s north side location comprise a connoisseur’s collection of stately residences owned by legacy families, captains of industry, and tech entrepreneurs.

2990 Broadway commands the most coveted, cornerstone location as the last house on Outer Broadway. Uniting panoramic views of the Golden Gate Bridge, Marin Headlands, and Alcatraz with immediate adjacency to the Presidio’s bucolic surroundings, the 10,180 square foot, four-bedroom residence designed by architect Sandy Walker delivers a sense of glamorous intimacy.

As the last buildable lot on the Gold Coast, the 1987 development of the Jewett House signaled the arrival of one of the city’s most important addresses. Designed for elegant living and grand entertaining, the remarkable scale of the interior rooms dazzled heads of state, royalty, and the city’s high society. This heady cocktail of history, architecture, and natural beauty elevates the market’s anticipation for this landmark moment. It is our privilege to represent this extraordinary single owner sale and, with it, the unique opportunity to become the next link in its ownership history and reimagine its legacy.

Offered at $38,000,000